Joel Galvin
Position: Profession Life Coach
We human beings are often in need of assistance, and we are reluctant to make the request. Thanks for starting your journey.
I have been a Professional Life Coach since 2003. I support people in being who they need to be in order to attain their goals for positive changes in their LIVES, WORK, RELATIONSHIPS and WELL-BEING. My clients find they have more power, freedom, full self-expression and happiness in their lives. Please check out my website and testimonials on my website: The testimonials will give you some insight as to what's possible when working with a Coach. Contact me today for a free, no obligation initial consultation.
Let's see how we can get those changes started, even the ones you don't think can change. ALL SESSIONS ARE DONE BY PHONE FOR CONVENIENCE.
Coach Training Institute
Coach Training Alliance
Oasis in the Overwhelm