Oasis Stress Expert Directory

The directory is an online resource that connects individuals with certified professionals specializing in stress management.

For more information on finding the right stress expert for you, please see our Find a Stress Expert FAQ’s

Experts Found: 2
Millie Grenough
Millie Grenough
Founder, Oasis in the Overwhelm
Millie Grenough is known for her ability to help people do what they thought was impossible. She has taught non-swimmers to swim, non-singers to sing, frazzled parents to chill, Type AA folks to use their fire wisely, warring parties to work together. Millie walks her talk. Ex-nun turned nightclub singer, ex-shy Kentuckian turned Yale instructor and international presenter, she has a way of turning difficult happenings into blessings. A near-death accident prompted her to create the Oasis 60-second Strategies and design the Oasis Training that now has 100+ graduates who have shared Oasis with thousands of people around the world. An executive coach, she was named Coach of the Year in Connecticut and recently completed 25 years of service at the Clínica Hispana at the Yale University School of Medicine. She is the author of ten books, is certified in Rubenfeld Synergy Method, EMDR Therapy with a specialty in Performance Enhancement, and is an avid hiker / meditator / wife / grandmother. Her delight now is supporting the expanding work of the Oasis Community. She herself offers retreats and presentations, both in person and online, in English and Spanish, to first responders, clergy, CEOs, line workers, educators, health workers—anyone who could use an oasis in their overwhelm.
Steve Porcaro
Steve Porcaro
Founder, SalesPlus MVP Coaching & Training
I'm passionate about helping individuals and organizations achieve their goals, improve team results and create high-performers. We live in a world where it is harder and harder to be heard. I founded SalesPlus MVP Coaching and Training to provide the education, tools and tactics to cut through the noise.